Could we be the perfect fit?

We’re always looking to build our team, to support our local community and have even more fun. Sound good?

Click through to find out how to get involved…

Volunteers, we need you!

Our welcoming, friendly and fun groups are a really great place to be. We love having volunteers help us and in reality, we couldn’t run without them!

Each week our volunteers help with a variety of things including: organising resources for the day, setting up play areas (known as our amazing play-makers), laying out the hot drink area, being a conversation starter with our families, drinking hot drinks and handing out the cake selection (always a popular activity), checking the site for any hazards, checking the port-a-loo, wiping down tables and of course, helping to tidy away and get things organised for the next session. We also really value shares and likes on social media as it helps spread the word about our little group.

What support can I get as a volunteer?

The thing that’s great about coming to support us is that we are really keen to help develop your skills and knowledge too. As part of the role we ask everyone to undertake safeguard training, and if you wish, we can support with qualifications including First Aid, Food Hygiene and Mental Health First Aid,

I can’t help out every week, and can only help for an hour or so… is that OK?

Yes! Absolutely. Our morning sessions begin setting up around 8:45 and run through to midday for our volunteers. Any help between these times allows us to get things sorted a little quicker and look after our families. Even if you’re only able to spare an hour, this will really support our groups.

I am looking to volunteer as part of my Duke of Edinburgh/ school project/ youth club… can I help too?

Yes, absolutely! Whilst our groups mainly run during the term, there are other behind the scenes things that can be done to support our CIC in the events and at weekends. This might include kit maintenance, social media posts, creative design, putting up posters and writing blogs and articles. Get in touch with Emma using the form below to have a chat about how you can get involved..

Would you love to help? pop your info below to get in touch